
Last week of school

So here we go...the last week of school...Jay and Jae-ok will be leaving us, sorry to say. You will be missed, but I fully expect that when you get rich and famous...ok...when you get famous, you will look back at the time you spent here at HIS and remember us all...then call me up and invite me to see whatever it is you are doing.

The first of four freewrites for this week:

"When I am rich and famous..."


  1. Jay and Jae-Ok

    When I am rich and famous, I will absolutely travel around the world with my family. Since I only have one life, I want to enjoy as much as possible. Also, by traveling around the world, I can learn lots of things. :)

    How ever, what should I do if I get lost? Ahhh... somehow, I ALWAYS get lost.

  2. Free write #2

    What I learned most this year...either in class or out

  3. What I learned most this year is to work hard and be nice.

    By working hard, you can always gain something. Throughout this year, me and other griot leadership team were working really hard for the griot concert. Although we had some problems; at the last, we were able to gain an accomplishment.

    Being nice is also important. By being nice to other people, you can gain happiness. Well, maybe, not for some people. But I think I do.

    Therefore, what I learned most this year is to work hard and be nice.

  4. When I am rich and famous i would try not to forget how i got to that point. As people get rich and famous, they tend to forget their ways of life and starts to become brats. I think It would not happen to me because i always had known to control my self towards temptation. In all the money and the fans would not really change me because, i try to fight away from the temptation.

  5. so i dont have to do this since im leaving?

  6. Jay, you don't have to do this if you want a zero.

  7. Post #3

    The thing that really bother me.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. When I am rich and famous, I will spend a lot of time drawing and painting, which I love. To get inspired to know what I would draw, I will visit my friends all over the world, and experience a lot of new, fun things. I would love to donate a large quantity of money to poor people, and nearly extinct animals. I will build a beautiful house with a beautiful and large garden, and I will have a crazy and amazing party with my friends. I will let my mom to quit her work, because she wants to rest from now on, but she still works to supply money that goes to me and my brother’s education. I will give enough money to my parents so that they can buy, enjoy and have fun whatever that is. And I will encourage other people to do the same.

    What I learned most this year is that you really need to see how you behave to manage your life well. I believe all the things that happened in my life are what I brought to myself, and I know that there are lots of things that I made mistakes. Sometimes I was insecure, rude, dumb, angry, sad or oblivious. However, by managing what I am thinking carefully, I also have made lots of success, and I am happy about that. I am so much more independent and strong then the beginning of this year. I will try my best to make myself a better person, and I will try hard to improve anything around me.

  10. The thing that really bothers me is nothing but myself. I am not kidding. As I wrote above, I sometimes get insecure and weak, and I always try so hard to be myself again. People can do bad things to me, but as long as I don’t care about them, they don’t matter anything. Therefore, actually, all the things that bother me are in me. When there is an annoying thing happened to me, I admit it to myself that I have created that reality to me, and try to get my attention off from it so that I can be happy and myself again. Also, I try to love everything, forgive, and always smile and laugh. But then of course, I still make sloppy and crappy mistakes. However, I know that someday I am very strong that nothing can disturb my mind and I can achieve my goal. Wow, I sound so sophisticated. But yes, I am being really honest.

  11. 1. When I am rich and famous, I would go around the world and explore many places. I would also get huge houses in most of all the biggest cities of the world such as; Paris, New York, Tokyo, Seoul...etc. and I will keep a part of my money in a bank for when I am old and I would donate a part to the poor people or any kind of donating organization. Then, I would party around get many many clothes and meet the most famous people of the world.

    2.What I learned the most this year would probably be how to listen to people. At some point of the year, I realized how important was to listen to people instead of talking about myself. Actually, if I try to listen people can tell me many interesting things. Also, I realized that sometimes not asking something is better; people tells you more if you are not asking the questions.

    3. The thing that really bother me would be people who don't have any manner. For example when people eat and they cannot eat at least a little clean. Or, simply people who are obviously annoying other people though they might not directly affect myself. It's not that I hate those people or something but I don't really like seeing people to do it and annoys me a lot.

  12. 1. When I am rich and famous, first thing I would do is look for the best girl friend who suits perfectly for me. I would manipulate her with my money and fame. Once I get my wife, I want to travel all around the world. And when I finish traveling, I want to come back to Hokkaido and build a house in a peaceful mountain, and live there forever! Because usually those people who live in mountain or countrysides, would'nt really know how famous I am, and people won't bother me since they don't know me.

    2. What I learned most this year is music theory without a doubt. At the beginning of year, mr.sugino scared music theory students that this class will be a really tough class. And we started to learn from really basics, such as how to draw a g-clef properly and all that. And after few months, we started to learn composing harmonies. This time was really tough. I was doing this homework even during the winter break. And eventually we took the AP music theory test and I think I can get at least 4 points! yay! Plus I learned alot of basic stuffs.

    3. The thing that really bother me these days is running nose. Since yesterday this thing really bothers me and I can't even focus on my homework right now. I can't even go to sleep because of this thing!!! Is there any solution for this? this is just so pain in the butt. Today I wasted at least 100 tissue (1 box of scottie) to blow my nose off. I really felt sorry for those trees that supply us abundant oxygen. But yuh.

  13. The thing that bother me is pollen tree!!! EVERY SPRING, because of pollen tree, I get pollinosis. This really bothers me, and I wish I can cut down all the pollen tree... arghhhhh
    It gives me headache, fever, running nose, and cough. Spring is the season of doing outdoor activities, but I cant.
    Therefore, I HATE pollen tree.

  14. irfan-
    Oh.. You're smart. Becoming rich is not an easy thing to do. However, after people become rich, they tend to forget how they become rich. Therefore, I think you're idea is smart.

    jae ok- Behaving to manage your life well is good idea. I think lots of teenagers are still immature. However, I think you are really mature. Nice article

    Kana- Kanaaaaa
    You have the same idea with me!! We should just travel around the world together. :)
    Traveling really gives you pleasure.
    AHHH I want to travellllllll

    Jay- Girlfriend....

    I have the same issue!!! I had a running nose last week, and it killed me. It really irritates me. However, these days, it became much better

  15. Jerang - too bad you have that kind of alergy. Maybe I have pollen tree alergy thingy too.

    Irfan - I wish I can control my mind like you! Irfan kakkoiyo

    JaeOk - you have such a nice dream! when you become rich, you want to draw and all that! nice!

    Kana - Oh maybe we can travel the world around together! yay!

  16. well it seems like everyone wants to travel with me :D haha

    Jae Ok-
    i like drawing too! thought thy are only doodles..

    that's too bad. i never had any allergies throughout my life so I have no idea what it would be like to have one.
    and yes! we should go travel and go around the world! :D

    I bet music theory was hard. I remember mr.sugino asking you and Jonah questions about music that I think I would never get the answer!
    And sure we can travel too! (with or without jerang)

    that's pretty smart..
    I don't think I would be able to be like you
