
Freewrite prompts for May 16-20

These freewrites are due to be uploaded by Wednesday at 4:00.
All comments are due by lunchtime on Friday.

1. If I could become invisible...
2. My father...
3. The reasons people lie...
4. The meaning of freedom
5. I will tell you a story that is only half true.


  1. 1)If I could be invisible, i would use my power for good and evil. The good use of my invisibility, is i would be a super hero. From my power i would help citizen that are suffering from the crime, with my incredible gadgets. I would be like batman, but i could work on day light. The evil that i would do, is cut people line in the cinema, ticketing in Disneyland and maybe copy answers from my piers during a hard test.
    2)My father is a man that i respect and admire. I respect him because he taught me a lot of things as i was growing up. Also he gives me money, so i need to give him the respect,and also i always respect the elder.I admire him because from his age, his body condition is bad but his legs is muscular, i envy my dad for having a muscular legs. In all, my father is man that i look up to and although he is in another country, i can feel that he's worried about me.
    3)The reason people lie, for me there is many reasons. But I think the reason they do such thing is to make the other people feel happy. Although some people do it to make someone happy, some of the liars do it because it's fun. I think it something that people should stop doing because there's a point where they need to step up and be responsible, rather than lie about it.
    4)The meaning of freedom is a lie because freedom suppose to be free from any restriction. But in our daily life there's always rules. We need to follow the rules. But if the world does not have any rules it would be a disaster but also it could be imply that it is freedom. But we can't really have an ultimate freedom because it would be dangerous and with the help of law, it makes our life safer and gives us a bit of freedom.
    5)I will tell you a story that is only half true because the actual ending ended up to be bad for me. I rather tell you a story where i sound like a hero. Also i want to impress you because if you had heard the real ending to the story it would make my image and reputation go down. Also stories in the world is half true, because no one in the world actually ended up to live happily ever after. That is just lies that story author writes to make them feel happy and to tell people that they life is perfect, but actually their life is miserable. In all people tell story half true is to make the people and them self's to feel happy and not miserable.

  2. 1. If I could become invisible...
    If I could become invisible, I will go to a place where it is illegal to enter. I really want to see the place where no one is aloud to go. I also want to sneak into the airplane and go to other countries. Well I guess going to Mrs. Koga’s house might be fun too.
    2. My father...
    My father is a pastor of Hiragishi Baptist Church. He came to Japan around 18 years ago, and he is now the leader of Hokkaido Baptist Association. I don't know why but he can speak Japanese, Korean, Arabian, English, and others. WHY!?
    3. The reasons people lie...
    The reasons people lie is simple. It’s because they don't want others to know the truth. I think most of the people had lied at least once in their lives. How ever, they say lying is not a good thing.
    I’m not sure if lying is a bad thing or a good thing, but I can say that people lie for them selves.
    4. The meaning of freedom
    Freedom means you have your own right to live and choose the way you live. But actually, I don't think freedom exist. Parents, friends, your lover, pets, and all other people around you affect your life. Going to school, wearing clothes, and others were decided by others, and not you. There fore, I don't think freedom exist.
    5. “I will tell you a story that is only half true.” When I read this quote, it reminded me of my mother when I was little. She used to tell me a bedtime story. But since she ran out of the stories, she decided to arrange the story and tell me a story that was only half true.

    By the way, this story is only half true. lol

  3. Irfan
    I got surprised when I read your article about freedom. I have a same opinion about it. Since our daily life is full of rules, I don't think we are actually free.
    Nice article.

  4. Jerang
    I liked her comment on what would she had done if she had the ability to be invisible. I found it to be amusing to read and imagine, in which she would go into a restricted place, and see her get in trouble.

  5. 1.If I could become invisible I would go all around the world. I really like to travel and see many sites of the world. If I was invisible, I will be able to go on planes, ships, trains.. any transportation for free. Also, I will be able to visit sites that usually people are not allowed to or simply can’t go. I will be able to visit anything and explore anything. I like to travel alone, by myself and explore by myself instead of going in a loud noisy group and act the typical tourist and only go to the typical famous sites. Though I would have some problems knowing which way to go, it will another good experience places that people don’t usually go and explore a place with the most beautiful view of the world for only myself. Not knowing anywhere to go might be troublesome but really useful in a way because you can think out of the box and forget about the “because you are supposed to do so”. Also if I was to go alone on a journey, I will be able to go with my own pace not rushing or neither too slow. I will skip boring places and spend more time on the interesting places. Taking rest when ever you want and relaxing with no time limit. The only sad part is that you don’t get to know people but it might not be a big problem as it seems to be.
    2. My father likes to travel. He really does like to travel and does not like to stay in one place. Actually, it’s not that he doesn’t like to but it is that he can’t stay in one place. He needs to move around and see the world. It is probably because of his job but also, I think that he is really curious and wants to know those things. Mentioned above, I really do like to travel too and this character probably comes from him because he prefers to go alone rather than going in a big group. And I always envy him when he goes somewhere that seems so interesting to me. Recently, he went several times to the Tohoku area where the earthquake has hit to see all the disasters down there. When he went there for the first time, he said that he couldn’t find anyplace hit by the tsunami mainly, that resembled to something before the disaster. This made me really want to go and I asked him on the phone if I could go, of course the answer was no. Obviously, the condition was too harsh for me (well that is what my father says). I wanted to go because I was really curious. I could hear anything from my father or watching horrible scenes on the TV but I wanted to see it with my own eyes. I wanted to feel in a way what it is like to be down there. If I am saying this only because I am curious, it would be rude but by knowing I wanted to help. I was actually really serious and though deeply about it. But more I think about it what happened down there and what is happening down there, more it made me want to go. I think this curiosity and will to go also comes from my father.

  6. 3. The reasons people lie is to protect others. The first lie is to protect yourself, the second lie is to protect others. The first one is really typical. If you did something wrong or you don’t want anyone to know about something, you will lie so that you won’t get any harm. In this case, you usually regret unless it resulted in a good situation. The second lie is something hard to understand. You can lie to anyone for both to protect and to hurt. If you are willing to protect and you lie, it is because you know that the truth will hurt that person but actually the person prefers to hear the truth. A truth that makes you cry is better than a lie that makes you smile; this is something that you often hear as quote but it is true. If you know what is wrong you can fix it and make it better but if you don’t know anything and you are just smiling, you can’t change anything or you might make it worse. Also, though people get hurt by truths, they can always get over it, they don’t have time to only care about one thing forever. They might not forget it but they made a change and they will be more happy about it, I think.
    4. The meaning of freedom is to please and to exhaust. You can please yourself by doing anything you want but you get exhausted of all responsabilities that yo have. Responsability is the common knowledge that you learn mainly to care about people or to simply do things. It does not really matter if you are a young kid or a grown-up adult, you still are learning. You start from the moment you were born and only stop when you die. It is responsability that tells you what you have to do, you can do or what you can’t do. But freedom is about to be able to do what you want. This is a paradox; You are free to do anything you want but you still have responsability that limits and decides what you are doing. So is it really freedom? I don’t think there is any answer to it. If responsability limits what you are doing, then is having responsability not freedom? But freedom is to be free and do whatever you like unless it’s under your responsability. I don’t think this definition of both freedom or responsability is right but in my opinion, freedom is to be free within your responsability.
    5. I will tell you a story that is only half true. I excelled in every single class : math, PE, literature, history, science.. etc. every class. I never got below than 95% and on all of my report cards, I had comments like: she is outstanding, excellent, nothing to say.. etc. All teachers loved me as well as everyone in the school including boys. I was popular and I had a lot of friends. Many boys liked me and asked me out. But I would act out the innocent and pure girl and reject them one by one nicely because they weren’t my type. My family was rich, I got a lot of money. I could go anywhere if I wanted to. I could go on the first class of the airplane. I got accepted in one of the most famous college of the world with scholarship. Then I got to know the Hollywood stars and get close to many famous actors and actresses. I got recruited as actress and got many awards for my acting. I also got on many magazines as model. I got married with one of the hottest actor and the perfect husband in the world and got the cutest children ever. My kids grew up and were treated like princes and princesses but I still would teach them manner so that they don’t become arrogant. Grown-up, they are doing what they like and enjoying their life. My husband and I bought a quite big house in the countryside and enjoyed our second life there. I died before my husband and went to heaven.

    I wish this was true.. By the way I think this is only true for about 15~20%.

  7. Irfan,
    I agree when you are talking that people lie to make others happy and I also like the way you think; lying can't be considered as one bad thing though it still has a negative impression.

    I would be really happy to join you if you are willing to go to illegal places. It sounds very exciting and interesting and fun!

    Mrs Koga,
    10 minutes is just too long!!!!

  8. 1. If I could become invisible, I would abuse it as many others would do. But first, I would go to a bunch 0f scientist to get attention from them, and let them to observe me so that they can write a paper about me. I would become very famous and I would be on a magazine cover, with a title that says “A Girl who is Invisible.” And after I earn money from those jobs, I would go to hot springs or amusement parks for free of charge, because that is just my power to use. I am not sure if I would feel a bit guilty for doing illegal acts like that, but I think that would be just so fun. Instead of feeling guilty, I would appreciate to God who has given me that special power.
    2. My father bought me a necklace for me few days ago when my family was on a trip. It was a huge fancy necklace for a little girl to wear, but I wanted it anyway. I asked him if he could buy me that “princess necklace,” and as usual, he said he would if I wanted to buy it. My mom, who was beside me, got astounded by me who was buying that necklace for a young girl. She asked, “Are you really going to buy that?” She said I was getting younger and younger. But I can’t help the desire to buy what I want! I guess it is just how I was created. Thanks to my mom and dad. Please do not complain how I am different from other people, mom and dad, because I am the one who you gave a birth to, and who you have raised, and I am proud of it. Everything is great.
    3. The reasons people lie is, because they are insecure inside. They do not understand nor know who they are; therefore they do not wish to expose who they really are to other people. Also, people who are insecure want to impress other people because they do not feel great about themselves, thus they want other people to think they are great. It is a sad fact, but most of people do not really know who they are. No one wants to be the odd one out, nor being hated, so people tend to follow what other people do instead of following themselves. It is not only lying to other people, but also lying to who they are. I have been thinking about what other people think and feel quite a while, so I am pretty sure about the reason I wrote.
    4. The meaning of freedom is to be able to follow your heart to me. To be completely free, there should be no limits whatsoever. For example, if you are run out of money, you are not free because you are worrying about money; you are limited by money from buying what you want to buy. If you are not healthy, you are not free because you are limited by your body from doing activities you want to do. This kind of reasons goes forever. In other words, the meaning of freedom is being perfect to me, which I believe achievable.
    5. I will tell you a story that is only half true. Last night, I was walking down the street because I have an appointment with an angel I met several days ago. She said she wanted to take me to the world of angels because she thought that I would love it. I told her how grateful and excited I was, and as I took her hand, she flew to the sky. When I was flying with her, I could feel nice cold wind against my face, and I could see the whole city with full of lights. After few minutes, I arrived at the world of angels, but the angel made me promise not to tell it to anybody how it looks like. All I can tell you is that it was absolutely amazing.

  9. Irfan, it is so nice of you that you respect and admire your dad. You are very lucky to have a role model who you can learn from. Not that I don’t respect my parents, but I have a very different perspective from my parents, so we are just different. My role models always have been someone who is famous, and I never got to actually talk to them.

    Jerang, I want to enter a place where it is illegal, too. If I decide my mind to go to an illegal place, I actually can enter since I know how to. I just do not want to do it because I would feel like being unfaithful to myself. However, if I have that amazing power to be invisible, I would do something illegal because I am different from other people.

    Kana, I love traveling as much as you do. I was surprised that you liked to travel alone, rather than traveling with other people because I also sometimes like being alone. But if I am traveling, I would want to travel with the people I love, such as my family or my friends.

  10. Kana- I really enjoyed reading your article. However, I got surprised when you mentioned that your father went to Tohoku Area.
    Recently, my father went to Tohoku Area too. Since I'm full of curiosity, I really wanted to go there, but I had school. Xp

    Jae Ok- Your "half true story" is amazing. If I have a special power to see through people's mind, I would definitely see your's. Your brain is full of GREAT imaginations!

  11. 1. If I could become invisible the first thing I would do is to go onsen, and you know (jkjk) So what I'm gonna do is, firstly I will go to CIA headqurater and be the top number one agent. I will be the parter with James Bond and operate all the difficult missions and completo! And I will be enjoying my rest of my life when I get old and eliminate all the enemies of public. Whenever I don't have money, I wll rob the biggest bank in the world and get some money.
    2. My father is the most strict person in the world. When I was still a babyish age, he used to treat me with strict disciplines and all that. I even used to think like 'he must not be my real dad, I must've have real father somewhere in this planet!' But then since after I become I become high school, he become kind of chilled down. But then he became really strict to my brother instead of me.
    3. Wow this is such a hard question! I guess there are two kinds of lies, a lie for one's own benefit or a lie for other people. We've learn that lie is a bad thing, but sometimes it can be a good thing if it's a benefit for community. But very often people lie for their own benefit, if we look a round, for example our snack table, people just steal stuffs and just pretend like they did nothing. That is the lie for their own benefits, to hide their bad things.
    4. The meaning of freedom for me is to do whatever I want without any restriction. Freedom is such a valuable thing for human because if you don't have a freedom, there is no difference between you and a robot. Freedom is the most essential thing in democratic society. Freedom is something that all the humans must have since they were born.
    5. I will tell you a story that is half true. One day there was this handsome and cool guy called Jay Kim. He liked to play basketball but the problem was he was such a unhealthy boy because he liked to eat junk food for his breakfast, lunch and dinner. He was very depressed about the fact that he could bearly play sports anymore. So he started to drink all the healthy products, but it seemed like it does not really working. But one day he went to HIS and saw a cow on the field. So he got milk from that cow and drank it. It was like a Nama-milk. It was tasty and Jay became a healthy person.

  12. Irfan-

    dude you are wasting your invisible ability yo! I would never use my ability just to cut the lines in movie theater. You should have more dreamy dream you know, boys, be ambitious!


    Yest Jerang! let's go to Mrs Koga's house and mass her house up! lol yay party

    Kana -

    I thought you are a smart girl who excells all the classes! But you don't?! How disappointed! haha just joking! nice story!

    JaeOk -

    For your invisible ability, if you go to the scientists and let them do whatever they want (for the research) wouldn't they kill you and dissect you?! because you are like the most valuable creature in the world right? so I'm afriad that they just don't care about your life!

  13. Kana
    I think your comment on how people lie is to protect others is true, because some people want to respect their friend.
    I think your father is awesome, because he bought you the necklace. Also is awesome how he remembered and knew that you like to be fancy.
    I think your comment on your ability to go to onsen is a bit perverted, but the other stuff that you will do with your power is amazing, because if i had to do it, I will just not do it because its to much responsibility.

  14. Jay- JAy...LOL

    It was very interesting to read your article about your father. How ever, I really can not imagine because your father looks really kind.

  15. Jay, I guess we have that kind of "typical Korean parents," if you know what I mean. I have no clue why they have to be that conservative and strict to their own lovely children like us. I would not raise my children as my parents raised me when I grow up.

  16. Jaeok-
    I really like your idea of going to the scientists and surprise them with your special power. I would like to that too!

    Jay- You are such a perverted person. That's the first thing that came on my mind when I first read your article. haha.
    No actually your firsst article was quite interesting, I really enjoyed reading it. Being a spy must be a really intersting job!
